A free CCC PowerPoint Tutorial with activities, images, and words that describe the theory-based strategy that Creating Careers with Confidence uses, including excellent Internet links, is available on Google worldwide. This PowerPoint can be viewed and used in multiple settings individually, in small groups, or even in larger groups in a workshop or classroom setting where there is an Internet connection.
The PowerPoint can also be used with this 32 minute Audio Track as users are guided through the presentation, including various enjoyable and effective assessment activities for initially discovering one's personality type, ways to discover matching occupations for further research, AND directions for Creating An Ideal Career-Life Scenario!
NEW in 2017
In early 2017 I will be posting a six-part video series called Creating Careers with Confidence, that provides an enjoyable and informative research-based discussion and PowerPoint covering The ABC's of Making Career-Life Choices, including a special video for parents and educators.
If you are interested in a special post and video I originally posted on the Deepak Chopra Well World site, I am arranging in 2017 for a FREE link to access this video inspired by the USA 911 experience. It can be used by anyone in any country as a resource for promoting greater understanding for youth and adults about multicultural differences and conflicts, including faith traditions.
There are many helpful Internet sites that facilitate career and life decision-making. As I discover appropriate sites to list here, I will add them. I highly recommend the following immediately because they offer both national and international resources.
1) The National Career Development Association (NCDA) is the preeminent career development association that represents over 4000 members nationally and abroad who are the leaders in the career development field who assist millions of people daily in such settings as K-12, college and university, agency, corporate, and private practice, to name a few.
** Visit ncda.org to discover an outstanding variety of excellent NCDA Resources & Links that assist with career and life decision-making for youth and adults.
2) JA Worldwide (Junior Achievement) is the world's largest non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring and preparing K-12 students to succeed in a global economy through a wide variety of engaging and highly effective experiential, hands-on programs in such ares as career decision-making, work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy.
Over 330, 000 volunteers visit 380, 000 school classrooms each week to offer these programs throughout the United States and 122 countries around the world, reaching 9.7 million students per year.
** Visit JA Worldwide to discover some amazing resources, the JA Student Center with engaging videos & links, and lots of on-line support for K-12 youth and, I believe, even useful for some community college and four-year college students. A convenient JA World Map easily locates JA programs in your country or local community.
3) ACT (American College Testing), is a non-profit organization that provides a broad array of assessment, research, information, and program management solutions focusing on education and workforce development, all aimed at helping people achieve education and workplace success. ACT offers more than 100 programs and services to millions of individuals and thousands of institutions and organizations.
** Visit ACT to discover more information on national and international programs and services, and a variety of excellent, researched-based resources and links dealing with such areas as college preparation and selection, test preparation, career planning, financial aid, and an outstanding Student Blog!
4) The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their work and is revised every two years.
*** Visit Occupational Outlook Handbook to learn about excellent, researched-based information on jobs, working conditions, what workers do on the job, earnings, training and educational requirements, specific job search tips, local State job markets, and much more. An easy A-Z INDEX provides instant access to incredible information and many helpful links. A new link offers occupational information in Spanish.
5) CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, and offers many excellent links for individuals interested in career development and job search activities. It connects individuals, including laid-off workers and veterans, with important information and job search tools, such as employment and training opportunities at local American Job Centers, information about unemployment benefits, healthcare and other financial needs, career development, and educational and training opportunities.
*** Visit CareerOneStop to learn more about a wide variety of important and easy-to-navigate links including resources that connect individuals to employment and training opportunities.
6) My Next Move is developed and maintained by the National Center for O*NET Development, under the sponsorship of the U. S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration through a grant to the North Carolina Department of Commerce. It offers an interactive tools that facilitate career exploration and discernment about options for job seekers and students.
*** Visit My Next Move to learn about tasks, skill requirements, salary information, and much more for over 900 different occupations usimg easy keyword searches and personalized tools.
7) Open Colleges Blog is an on-line community geared around personal and career development topics. It connects people with similar interests and connects and facilitates conversations with individuals working in industries or work settings in which one might have an interest.
*** Visit OpenCollegesBlog for engaging blogs, useful information, and an opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests.